[ Browse by Service Category : Public Officials Offices : Sub-Topics of Federal Officials Offices (7) ]

Governor General's Office

The office of the individual who has been appointed as the legal representative of the Crown within the federal government system and functions as the de facto Head of State. If the Prime Minister's Office becomes vacant because of death or resignation, it is the Governor General's duty to see that the post is filled. The Sovereign's representative has the same responsibility if the government resigns following a defeat in the House of Commons or in an election. The Governor General is appointed by the King on the advice of the Prime Minister of Canada.

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Members of Parliament Offices

The offices of elected members of the Canadian House of Commons. MPs represent constituents from the ridings and provide assistance for those who may have problems with federal departments or agencies, or who want access to government documents and/or proposed or pending legislation. Services may include assistance completing related forms and arranging congratulatory messages from government representatives.

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Office of the Canadian Prime Minister

The office of the individual who is the head of the Canadian federal government and the leader of the political party that has the largest number of seats in the House of Commons or is capable of organizing a coalition that is able to govern. The Prime Minister chooses a Cabinet and together they constitute the executive branch of the federal government in Canada.

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